Friday, May 11, 2012

Innocence is Bliss.

Lying in bed with ruby, my 5 year old niece, waiting for aqua teen to come on, even though she shouldn't be watching it but hey, someone has to be the cool aunt. Besides, it calms her down.
So we're lying here. Me, with my headphones in and she grabs one, sticks it in her ear and rolls over. I'm sure you're wondering what I'm listening to. The answer; "The Weekend",which, although is soothing, it's not lyrically appropriate so I switched to a downtempo mix input together.
"Morning Star" by Flunk comes on and all of a sudden...silence.
Be still, my beating heart.
Innocence is Bliss.


Even though i'm usually really good at putting my feelings and emotions into words, sometimes I just can't.
Sometimes it becomes too over bearing. It weighs so heavy on my heart and lungs that I can't breath and with every gasp that mimics a breath, i hope and wish the words will find a way out, but sometimes, they just don't.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


There are no happy endings.
Endings are the saddest part.
So just give me a happy middle
And a very happy start.
-Shel Silverstein

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

energy and literature...

today's happy hour was interesting.
gary came in with a bunch of literature that he'd either written or edited.
he read me some of his poems and told me stories of new york and colorado,
between gulps of shiner bock.
every once in a while he'd go outside to smoke a cigarette, without excusing himself,
leaving me alone, surrounded by text.
i read a few words from each book, clinging to the meanings, in hopes of memorizing them.
i've already forgotten.
from there, luis came in and the three of us spoke of energies,past lives,
psychometry and spiritualism.
luis touched a coaster i had been holding and said he felt a very strong energy
and saw an image of a short man with short, dark hair.
about an hour later, i brought up a person in my life who fit that description.
it was intense.
i liked it.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

although it's been days, even months, since i've updated this thing,
i still feel the same way.
heart burns like swallowing your first shot of whiskey;
but then you learn to like it.
it reminds you of something so organic that you cannot turn away when offered.
but what do i know of love?
that which once consumed my life, now only lingers in the back of my mind,
in hopes of maybe finding it again...someday...
but what do YOU know of love?
all you've ever known is heart break, and built an iron wall for protection.
you've built this facade so others don't recognize the person you used to be...
so you're not vulnerable and people are unable to love you.
but that's what you want...
what do you know of love???